What do you hunger and thirst for? Look to Matthew 5:6 for fulfillment.

Janet Wilhelm

Opening Prayer…

“Lord God, I start my time of reflection today focusing on Jesus and the incredible words of wisdom from the Sermon on the Mount. He teaches me can help me walk moment by moment in faith and joy and peace. Holy Spirit, remind me throughout the day to keep my spiritual eye on what Jesus is showing me today. Help me to carry it with me and practice it in every situation.” Amen

reFocus Today on what Jesus is teaching, hear His voice…

A Word from Jesus… Mt. 5:6 (NLT)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

You are blessed by Me when you come to Me and simply say, “Lord, I am hungry to do what is right. Show me Your way.” It is a simple prayer of faith. You are looking to me. You are refocusing on me.

I will lead you to think my thoughts about any person or situation you are facing. Only I know each heart. You see only what is on the surface. When you ask Me what is going on, you will understand better.

I will lead you what to say or not say. Many times, it is best to stay silent, pray and wait. Again, you cannot know another person’s pain as I do. When you stay silent and pray, compassion from me will guide you to respond as I would. Too often you react with little thought as to what is going on underneath the surface.

I will lead you to do what I would do. I want to help you be my hands here on earth. A gentle touch, a soft expression and a calm word will diffuse tension and turn others away from anger.

I will lead you to go where I would go and do what I would do and be as I would be. This takes a great deal of practice. Every day I will give you many opportunities to look to me in this. Be gentle with yourself as you practice keeping your spiritual eyes and ears on me. As you follow my lead you will be filled with the knowledge of My will and you will have joy.

reFocus Today…

  • Is there a something in today’s Word from Jesus that resonates with you?
  • What do you hear Jesus saying just to you in your thoughts, heart or spirit?
  • Is there anything that draws you closer to God?
  • Is there anything that makes you want to turn away from God?
  • How do imagine this may impact how you view your situations and people in your life?


“Lord, I am hungry to do what is right. Show me Your way.” Amen

Use today’s very short prayer as a Breath Prayer throughout the day…Breathe in, “Lord, I am hungry to do what is right.” Breathe out, “Show me Your way.”

Whether you need prayer or assistance, contact our ministry

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.

Whether you need prayer or assistance, contact our ministry

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.

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